HomeNationMalaysia Is Interested In Turkish Drones

Malaysia Is Interested In Turkish Drones

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ANKARA – Malaysia wants to expand its defence industry collaboration with Turkey.

Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said this issue was raised in his meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the Presidential Complex here yesterday and during his visit to two major players in the republic’s defence and aerospace industries, MKE Corporation and Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI).

He said geopolitical trends were considered in Malaysia’s defence system modernization, and cooperation went beyond military asset and equipment purchases.

However, it involves multinational defence industry players investing and manufacturing in Malaysia. At a news conference for Malaysian journalists at the end of his four-day official visit to Turkey today, he said, “This approach will benefit us in terms of technology transfer, knowledge, job creation, and engagement of local companies in the industry.”

“This approach will benefit us in terms of technology transfer, knowledge, job creation, and engagement of local companies in the industry.”

– Dato’ Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob

The government wants to make Malaysia an Asean centre for modern defence, including plans to buy military drones from Turkey and build factories in Malaysia.

He claimed the government would require drone suppliers to create facilities in Malaysia when the Finance Ministry approved the drone purchase request.

Malaysia and Turkey agree on the necessity to continue supporting the Palestinians’ fight to end the Zionist regime’s oppression and establish Palestine as an independent nation.

“We would support Palestine internationally with other Islamic countries and the OIC.” He said, “We hope the UN will keep raising the Palestinian issue.”

Ismail Sabri’s official visit to Türkiye was made possible by Erdogan’s warm invitation to deepen the two nations’ diplomatic ties, which had existed since 1964. (Image by: trtworld)

Ismail Sabri said his first visit to Turkey as prime minister was satisfactory and achieved the intended outcome.

President Erdogan views Malaysia as a friend and brother. Meetings were informal even in formal settings. Brother Ismail was his name throughout. Ismail Sabri replied, “That’s an honour.”

Information source – Bernama

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