HomeWorldAsiaExplore Ways To Protect PMIs

Explore Ways To Protect PMIs

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Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah and Malaysian Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail met on Monday to discuss methods to protect Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) in Malaysia, particularly domestic PMIs.

“According to the memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the placement and protection of domestic sector Indonesian migrant workers (MSP PMID) in Malaysia, there are many things that need to be discussed about with the protection scheme for domestic sector PMI in Malaysia,” Fauziyah said after getting a call from Nasution.

Fauziyah said that she and Nasution had conversed about the progress of the protection scheme after the 1st Joint Working Group (JWG) and the 2nd JWG, which were held after the MSP PMID was signed.

She said that Malaysia has a programme called “labour recalibration” (RTK) that aims to give illegal immigrants (PATI) the right to work legally.

Illegal immigrants can get jobs with qualified employers through the RTK programme. This is based on the rules set by Malaysia’s Home Ministry and Immigration Department.

Version 2.0 of the RTK programme has been launched by the Malaysian government, but the Indonesian government still needs more detailed and clear information about how it will be used.

The Indonesian minister said, “We hope that the SOPs (standard operating procedures) can be made public soon so that they can be used as a guide to serve illegal immigrants who have been working in Malaysia.”

The two countries have agreed to keep building good communication in the field of work to make a relationship that is good for both of them.

“I think that with the help of Dato’ Seri Saifuddin Nasution bin Ismail, the governments of Indonesia and Malaysia can work together to find more concrete solutions, especially in the area of human resources,” Fauziyah said.

Minister Nasution said that the meeting was a follow-up to an earlier one between President Joko Widodo and Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

He also said that Labor Recalibration 2.0 (RTK 2.0) would make it easier for PMIs already in Malaysia to find a qualified employer and continue on the employment.

Info source – Antaranews

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