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The Chinese Foreign Minister Wants To Work With Russia To Maintain High-Level Relations

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Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday that China is ready to work with Russia to keep bilateral relations at a high level.

Qin said that not too long ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping went on a successful state visit to Russia and got a lot done. This gave China and Russia strategic direction and a solid foundation for deepening their relationship in the new era.

Qin also said that China is willing to work with Russia to make sure that the agreement between the two heads of state is carried out.

Qin said that the two countries should keep high-level talks going and protect their political trust in each other. They should also push for the Pre-2030 Development Plan on Priorities in China-Russia Economic Cooperation signed by the two heads of state to go into effect as soon as possible and guide the high-quality growth of their economic and trade ties.

Qin also said that the two sides need to have more legislative and people-to-people exchanges and work together.

Qin said that in a world of change and chaos, President Xi has put forward a number of big ideas and plans to promote the joint building of an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world with lasting peace, universal security, and shared prosperity, to find the most common ground among all parties, and to help find a solution to the world’s problems that China and the rest of the world can work on together. He also said that Russia is welcome to play an active role in these plans.

Lavrov, for his part, said that the frequent high-level meetings and strategic coordination between Russia and China show that relations between the two countries are moving in a good direction and are strong.

He said that Russia is willing to work with China to put into action the important agreement made by the two heads of state, to promote the priorities of Russia-China economic cooperation, to give full play to the role of cooperation mechanisms in different fields, and to make it easier for people to move between the two countries.

Lavrov said that Russia strongly backs China’s efforts to protect its core interests and actively backs the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative. Russia also supports the UN Charter, the principle of sovereign equality, effective multilateralism, and is ready to work with China to protect peace, stability, and long-term development in the region.

The two sides will keep working to improve coordination and cooperation in multilateral groups like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS countries. They will also keep pushing for the world to become more diverse and for international relations to become more democratic.

Both sides will work to make the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union work better together. They will also look into the feasibility study of developing free trade and try to get things done quickly.

Both sides talked about what was going on in Ukraine.

Qin talked about China’s recent appeal to the rest of the world. He emphasised that there is no one solution to the crisis and that everyone needs to start from scratch, build trust with each other, and set the stage for peace talks to end the crisis.

Qin made it clear that China will continue to help bring about a political solution and get peace talks back on track.

Lavrov praised China’s position and idea, but he also said that complicated problems need systematic solutions.

He also said that Russia doesn’t like group fights and will keep working towards political solutions.

Info Source-China.org

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